[Skincare] Exfoliate with Enzymes- DIY Pineapple Face Mask

9:56 PM Cindity 0 Comments

Hello! I thought my face might be missed, so. HEHE
I reckon it'd been countless times that I proclaimed my love for grocery shopping. I've been stabbing my ice cream with my spoon violently after work and became pregnant (grown a tummy); so much for being labeled a "health geek". 
The supermarket was more colourful than lego bricks, I grabbed some nectarines and grapefruits. While making my way to the cashier counter, I spotted this golden yellow pineapple! I don't know if my pupils are magnetic or my limbs are not operated by my brain HAHA. Its so pretty that I had to walk towards it, its price tag was on par with the attractiveness of the fruit too; S$1.50 for a whole honey pineapple. 
The pineapple has to be my favourite tropical fruit, they're as effective as chocolates in satisfying sweet cravings. This homemade mask is simple, efficient and most importantly, without breaking the bank. I was happily munching on my pineapple slices when my tongue hinted that it needs a break. I was left with the last slice when I finally thought of masking my face. Now its official home pampering time!

How Does Pineapple Masks Work

Heard of enzymes? This fruit has aplenty, we've all seen chefs juicing pineapples over meat to tenderize them. The pineapple enzyme, Bromelain, is a protease. It breaks protein down and exfoliates your skin gently, leaving healthy glowing skin. This is also the reason why your tongue feels funny after eating pineapples.
Tired of the artificial chemical peels? Pineapples contain fruit acids (AHAs) for shrinking pores and removing fine lines. Also crammed with vitamins and minerals including calcium, potassium and Vitamin C, pineapples are your best ally in fighting aging and acne!

*As Bromelain is an enzyme, its effects are only seen in the usage of fresh pineapples, not canned.


Firstly, skin the pineapple by chopping both of its ends; followed by skinning its surface by slicing its eyes away. Dice the fruit into small pieces (I divided by pineapple into 6s). The fruit is harder at its core but softer at its sides; juice it by squeezing its rim.

Applying the Mask

On a clean face, massage the juices onto your face carefully avoiding the eye area and bring it down to the neck. Seize the opportunity to do a quick massage while the mask has yet to dry. The juice is not too runny to be messy.
You can also combine pineapple juices with honey and/or olive oil in a bowl for masking.
For anti-aging: Olive oil is especially helpful during the cold winter days as it nourishes your skin while leaving your pores unclogged.  
For anti-acne: Squeezing in about a teaspoon of honey into the juices can create an anti-inflammatory mask good for treating acne.

For a more comprehensive list of ingredients that you can top your mask with, you can visit this site here.

With the mask on

Leave it on your face for around 5-10 minutes for the juices to dry and rinse it off with lukewarm water. Follow with a moisturizer to seal moisture in.
I felt a slight tingling sensation which persisted when the mask is on. The juice was also sticky which disturbs me quite a bit. The recommended frequency of usage would be 2-3 times a week.
*As always, do a spot test if you have sensitive skin.

Without using any cleansers, my skin was squeaky clean. This mask takes effect fast, my pores became smaller immediately after washing off. I believe with more frequent use, the pigmentation caused by acne can be diminished in no time. However, I didn't slab on moisturizer immediately and my skin was a little taut.