[Beauty Supplement] Make Me Beautiful- Review: Itoh Collagen Powder

7:04 PM Cindity 0 Comments

Disclaimer: The product featured in this post is sponsored by samplestore.com. All opinions are honest and of my own.

*Note: I've heard from countless of people saying that ingesting collagen does not help at all to replace the skin's collagen levels. There is still no concluding studies, however. As a student from what I've learnt from the books, yes, it does not. As a consumer who has tried out the products, I do feel a difference, however small. Such as the betterment of blood circulation, but not in the visible reduction of any wrinkles.
In this review, product information is from the manufacturer. What I provide here in this review is not a concluding example of whether it works, but if it tastes okay. 

Is looking better part of your New Year Resolutions? Time and gravity will eventually leave you with hard evidence that you're growing older by the day- fine lines, sagging skin and wrinkles. We all know that a high-sugar diet damages collagen. In fact, the sun should be your enemy as well; UV rays have a profound effect on the skin leading to premature skin aging and skin cancers.

Regardless of the reason, wrinkles are unpleasant. *nods* The good news about sugar-damaged skin is that, it's never too late to turn back the clock. *lits eyes* It is now possible to reduce those unwanted signs of aging through natural and non-invasive methods. I have with me here a collagen supplement that can help us age a bit more gracefully!

Itoh Collagen Powder- each box contains 14 sachets (3g)

Itoh Collagen Powder is extracted from healthy pigskin and cartilage and is tested by Japan SPF standards. Fat and gelatin are removed through high purification technology, leaving the powder safe and tasteless. Each sachet contains 3000mg of Collagen, satisfying your daily collagen intake requirement.

Take this on an empty stomach or before you retire for the day, beautiful skin is now yours to own.

Fat and gelatin removed through high purification technology to ensure that the collagen powder is 
  • Colourless
  • Tasteless
  • Fat-free
  • Sugar-free

 Being low molecular, the collagen molecules can be assimilated more efficiently by the body; enhancing its benefits and effects. Results are usually visible in a week*! 

*Results may vary among individuals

Zero Fat & Sugar!
Not too late for caring about my waistline, eh?

Since I have tried the Meiji Amino Collagen Powder before, I thought that a comparison might sound interesting. Here, I've dissolved the collagen powders in warm water and tasted them.

Both collagen powders look almost identical, the Meiji one slightly more to milk-coloured while the Itoh one finer milled and more white. In its raw powder form, the Itoh Collagen Powder is tasteless compared to the gelatin-like taste of Meiji Amino Collagen Powder. (Yes, I tasted the powder again XD)

As the Itoh collagen powder is added to water, I can hear sizzles while the white clumps dissociates. It took near a minute to reach this completely colourless state. There is a slight hint of creamer-like taste when I drank the water; very mild and almost unidentifiable.

*Note my efforts to refrain from using "fishy" to describe its taste HAHA since this is derived from pigs. However, the taste is definitely not one that I can associate with animals.

I gave the Meiji Amino Collagen Powder comparable time to dissolve. In fact, I was continuously stirring the water. But, no. The water remains murky and choked with white precipitate. The Meiji had a significantly stronger milky-creamer-like taste which disperses through your nose-mouth tract. 

I tried giving an objective taste bud review. Though I'm like whatever about its taste (I'm not too much of a particular person to be bothered by taste HEHE), I read too much reviews that people struggled with consumption solely because of the taste. The Itoh collagen surely saves you more time from experimenting if it will go well with different foods/drinks.


The collagen powder are packaged in packets for hygiene and convenience.
Bring this on the go!
Gauge your servings no more with these individual sachets! These rips your off excuses of not consuming daily collagen; "oh, did you say you have to go overseas?"
The ends of the packet is jagged for easy tearing.
I can now officially bid goodbye to my tin can! 

Continue adding it to other flavoured liquids, a indistinguishable taste is probably your end-result. I added a few tablespoons of milo powder to the previous water-collagen solution and could not longer taste any foreign taste. 

With Milo

Note: Since this collagen is sourced from pigs, it is non-halal and not suitable for vegetarians.

Moms, ever lamented on how having daughters suck your beauty away? I'm definitely sharing this box with my mom and grandma! I didn't want this to sound too much like an advertorial but this product blew my mind! In fact, I was contemplating to accept this as I only eat chicken and fish, and I am so so glad I did. I mean you've seen the photos, right? 

Grab your a one-day supply for free at samplestore.com here

Otherwise, Itoh Collagen Powder is also available in Guardians stores at  $49.90/Box of 14 sachets 

Stay beautiful! And buh-byes! :D

Money is such a sensitive topic, but my only ONLY gripe with this product is the price.