[Skincare] Getting Ready for Halloween? Hulk! -Review:Himalaya Herbals Neem Face Pack (Purifying Neem Pack)

7:54 PM Cindity 0 Comments

Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, the product was purchased with my own money. 

Hello! Its another leisurely day packed with so many online lectures. I'm not complaining, at least I can salvage the situation of my battle-field like inflamed skin with some masking.
With some AHA treatment and coupled with stress, my face had become a site for volcanic eruptions.

This is my 3rd tube of Himalaya Herbals Neem Face Pack. I've purchased this off Watsons at a sale, SGD $15.90 for 2 tubes I think (the original retail price is around SGD $10.90). This item is not costly, especially if you can get your hands on it in India. but still considered pretty affordable for a large tube of 150ml.
To my knowledge, they do have a variant of packaging, but the contents are the same.

As shown above in the ingredient list, 
Active ingredients:
  1. Neem Leaves (Melia Azadiracta): Has antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties, helps in controlling acne and pimples. Neem leaves are used traditionally as a blood cleanser as well as skin conditions such as rosacea and acne.
  2. Fuller’s earth (Multani Mitti / Panka): therapeutic and great healing effects on the skin. It is anti-inflammatory and can improve blood circulation.
  3. Turmeric (Haridra / Curuma longa): A natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
Note: This product contains paraben, parfum and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
Read more about Neem here

Sorry for the dirtied state of it, masking is a daunting task for a messy girl like me.

The product is dispensed off a squeeze tube with a sturdy cap. The cap isn't easily pushed open so it is pretty travel-safe (not 'friendly' though, the size). However, the tube gets more empty, the difficulty level to obtain the product increases. (Nerd joke alert: they're inversely proportional) The air sucked back by the tube causes the product to spit, and if you're lucky enough, it gets onto your clothes. (this explains the messy state of my tube.)

The texture of the Neem Mask is grainy with milled Neem leaves and is good also as a scrub.
It is thick and creamy, pretty much clay-based.

Another plus point is that it makes you look like hulk's wife!
Anyone preparing for Halloween?
 Once applied, there is this tingling sensation (similar to that of Tea Tree Oil or menthol products). This usually goes away in a couple of minutes, until the mask is dry. This mask dries to a lighter tone, and the oil from your pores will stain it dark again. Come to think of it, large pores may not be that much of a cool Halloween costume.
This mask is pretty drying especially when it dries, so I wouldn't suggest anyone with dry skin to use it. It is also stated on the packaging that it is for individuals with normal - oily skin.

It tells you where the most active oil-glands are.
And check out my stubby moustache!
Smell: It has this strong herbal smell (though "fragrance" is one of its ingredients), I've no idea of its exact source,  but I might be more receptive to it if it was the natural smell. It does not smell offensive to me, but I wouldn't go out after application. Hehee Some light smell will linger on before I shower ( perhaps because some got into my hairline?)

Washing off: Due to its gritted granules, it can be doubled up as a scrub. Washing off for me is also pretty disastrous as some of the diluted product will get caught into my hairline (and maybe tear ducts. No worries though, I'm still safe and sound. :D) I would suggest a shower after this, as it may be drying for your hair if it is left there for too long.

Stain: Unlike some turmeric containing products, this doesn't leave any greenish hue on your skin! Yay!

Effectiveness: While I won't say that it completely controls my breakouts or oil secretion, however, it does calm my skin and tone down the redness to a noticeable extent. The half-life of my volcanos is also reduced. :D The face is usually not oily after application and I would skip cleanser if I'm masking at night. (not a awesome idea though as you may scare people, or if that is your main purpose, then go ahead!) 

Spot treatment: As drying as this may be, this product isn't as effective to me as an emergency spot treatment. How should I put this?! It works for those pimples which you can see the pus but not those painful, headless emotional acne. It usually will dry out the pimple to a flake of skin (if that sounds legit haha )

Frequency: There wasn't any painful purging phase of this product, but because this product is drying, even for oily skin, frequent usage may increase the oil secretion in the long-run. There was a period when I used this about 3-4 times a week and my skin became oily after a mere hour or two after washing it off. Moderate usage is the way to go to regulate oil secretion ;)

Repurchase: Yes, I still have one more new tube. I like ayurvedic formulations and I guess its making way to my HG products.