[Travel] Taiwan Taipei itinerary- Day 5 (Xin Bei Tou)

3:26 PM Cindity 0 Comments

I'm actually pretty happy that I've made the right decision to procrastinate and only upload my travelogue now. Looking back at these photos did revive some of the fun times and also relieve my stress by being too studious. LOL 

Traveling to Bei tou (北投)
We took a bus down Jiufen (from Jinguashih) to the Ruie Fang train station, followed by a train to the Taipei Main station. We later switched back to the metro and jumped on track to BeiTou. We were originally heading for XinBeiTou but the nearest hostel I could locate was at BeiTou. We deposited our luggage at the hostel first before we headed back for the metro station.
Random Insert: Too Cool to be fluffy
fluffy things aren't normally cool, they just make you die ("its so fluffy I'm gonna diee!!!")
This backpack is (striped) spotted on the train.

There's this sushi store at the BeiTou Metro Station
Really affordable but I don't have much praises for it

Traveling to Xin Bei Tou (新北投)

Xin Bei Tou Metro station was only one stop away from Beitou. I think that the Taipei metro station, unlike Singapore's MRT system, it seem to be more catered to the travel routes of tourists. Though there are definitely locals on the metro, I think the routes seldom go through residential areas.
** Most places are closed on Mondays in Xin Bei tou, I would suggest you to leave the Monday for the city area.
This was on the Bei Tou metro platform!
So pretty! I feel more like in a gallery instead.
Its a pity that we didn't experience most of these things in the tour guided trip. I want my Dad and Sis to see these too!

On the metro to Xin BeiTou

BeiTou metro station
Many of their Metro Station have pretty cool interior designs
I couldn't really make sense of what this was, its just a few naked kids on the rocks to me LOL

Some Random Eatery
Sadly, the was our first stop after the Beitou Metro Station. So torturous, I hate to sit down before my adventures. But Mom was insistent on having regular meals, so I had to give in.
As always, I skipped the meal because of my mom's choice of food.
Sorry, but my appetite does not get turned on with the surface blobs of oil.

The Journey officially begins!
Beitou National Library (台北市立圖書館北投分館)

If you can't tell, this is a green building! Some solar panels are built into the roof to convert into chemical energy powering the building. Definitely a worthy investment, they seem to be sun-abundant LOL. Also, water is also saved through the utilization of rainwater for the toilet flushes. I guess the greenery also shades the building so that less energy is required for the air-cons. 

This is the coolest library I've ever been in! They have a large collection of Chinese materials and some English books and newspapers. The library had no stiff air, partly due to the amount of tourists inside. At least no one expects everyone to tiptoe around the library.

The exterior design is really intricate, though it doesn't really match the other parts of Beitou IMO

Entrance of the library

Thermal Valley (地热谷)
This is a volcanic crater of steaming hot spring water, it is mildly greenish due to the sulphur minerals.
Entrance to the Thermal Valley is free, opening hours on Tuesday-Sunday 9:00am-5:00pm, closed on Mondays.

The rocks are supposedly sedimentation of the sulphur minerals

Explorer Time!
Is it just me or does Mom look like a primary school camp kid?
Yes, that's the fan from NUS. That's why you should never reject freebies.
If you're scrimping on the hot spring entrance fee, you can try this as well! This is totally free btw, I suggested to her what most aunties do, in this case, to exploit nature for a hot foot bath! We were already sweating like nobody's business, but still quite a nice experience. The water is pretty clear and really, really shallow. I saw more photos of this place online where the steam was especially apparent, I bet it's temperature is even higher on a summer day though. I couldn't really tell if the water is acidic, (I read online that it has a pH value of near 1.2 - 1.6, and I didn't quite believe it) there wasn't any sensation when I touched it or did any unexpected tragic aftermath happen.
There were other kids right next to us playing, I wanted to snap a photo of them but I was also conscious that they might be too camera-shy to, they kept looking at me when I faced my camera towards them. I still did in the end, but with my camcorder. Hehee, video editing is a little too tedious to fit into my schedule now, but I'll eventually. :)

We were testing out the temperature of water

Bei Tou Hot Spring Museum (温泉博物馆)
This museum was constructed by the Japanese in the early 1910s and is one of the largest  hot springs then. This historical building was opened to the public as a museum in 1998, featuring the hot spring history of Beitou and also the minerals, specifically the hokutolites.
At the museum entrance
You'd have to remove your shoes to change into the slippers provided before entering. They have a wall of pigeon holes for your footwear. On one condition though, that you have to remember which hole did you place your shoes in, (or how your shoes look like).

There were a lot of these exhibits of the natural formation of minerals.
Most of them are sulphur-containing if I am not wrong.

Tatami mat performance area

I wasn't quite sure how this space is utilized,
but it's pretty so I took a photo of it anyway. HEHEE

The sun was super glaring! I've worn my sunnies almost all day today!

See! I told you! Another candid shot of Mom!
I suppose Hot Springs have some sight-seeing architecture for their customers to relax
btw, that pair of lovebirds keep photobombing! >:(
If you're wondering, where on earth is the bathing area, its actually at the basement. My camera died on me soon after this shot of mom and the photobombing love birds. It just looked like a drained swimming pool, almost as big as it I suppose.

Address: No. 2, Zhōngshān Rd, Beitou District, Taipei City, Taiwan 112
Contact Number:
Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday from 9am – 5pm, closed on Mondays and National Holidays
Admission is Free

Ketagalan Cultural Center (凱達格蘭文化館)
It was too early to call it a day and we also went to visit the Ketagalan Cultural Center. Unfortunately, my camera died on me before it is even of sight. Admission for Ketagalan Cultural Center was also free but photo taking is only allowed on the lobby (which was quite empty). We stayed around there for quite a while (partially for the air-con, I almost melted in the sun!). It showcased the origin of the aboriginal culture of the native inhabitants of Taiwan, there were a lot of demographics, where were the ethnic groups more concentrated at etc. There were also live models of the prehistoric items such as hunting tools, costumes, utensils etc. Real cool.
Btw, they also have English translation for most of the items. To be honest, I got a little bored halfway as the information was just kind of repetitive to me, it was just people, and people and more people. Like, I don't even see a stark difference between most of the groups. Maybe that explains why I'm not a sociologist. (Of course what, I'm a student!) Nonetheless, it is still a place worth visiting, yes, especially when you're a tourist.  
The museum is open Tuesday – Sunday from 9am – 5pm.  Admission is free.

I've originally thought of dropping Mom at the public hot spring - Millennium Hot Spring (千禧汤), she'd even packed her swimsuit in! But my brain was under short circuit at the time of itinerary planning, I forgot that its summer! The weather was OMFG hot and sunny.
(The entrance fee for Millennium Hot Spring is only NTD 40, entrance will be even cheaper at NTD 20 with a student ID, lockers can be hired at NTD 20)
If uncomfortable with public hot springs, there are also many other private hotspring hotels that you can take your pick. We skipped the hot spring in this Taiwan trip as we've went to a hot spring hotel in our December trip, but I just wanted to try the public one. :(
**: Just a gentle reminder, hot spring bathing is not recommended for pregnant women, feverous and menstruating individuals and people with heart diseases.
You should also check out the other places of interest in Xin Bei Tou here.

[Review] Hostel: On My Way Hostel 青年旅舍 途中‧台北

Hostel Facilities: As advertised, they do have washing machines and dryers for hire (NTD 30), but since we were only staying there for 2 nights, we did not make use of it (still insufficient time for the clothes to sun). There are level toilets, female-only levels and a main refrigerator at its lobby. It also has a basement which served as a common room, but I have only stole a glance of it. Like, JVS hostel, there are also some free for use computers, I tried using it but faced some difficulties as they were all configured in mandarin. Our room was at the fifth floor, while they do not have elevators for humans, they do have a tiny one for luggages (though manual operation is required, its still an eye opener).
Our room was really small, its width was only perhaps that of a King-sized bed and its length maybe a quarter more than that of the length of the single bed. To the right is the bunk beds cornered, I've only slept on bunk beds once in my entire life and I was pretty paranoid of its creak and shake. Luckily for this hostel's, its backbone was still pretty stable. There's a small rack for clothes and a little table at the other end of the bed.

Hostel staff: There are a few hostel workers, at least one stationed at the lobby area at any time. Though I've never seen a repeated staff on duty. They also hold guided tours, I remember chancing upon some itinerary of theirs to "jiufen".

Hostel ambience: Though this hostel did have all the facilities running, I did not feel like I'm living in a hostel. I don't know whether its just me or the people lodging at the period, there was almost zero interaction with the other people. What's worse is that, I'll bump into them like in the toilet or something but they will just keep a straight face. It was definitely not as welcoming as the previous JV's hostel. I couldn't bring myself to talk to people with straight faces. I'm also not quite sure of the reason, maybe because the lack of a fixed host, such that the lodgers cannot "open up"?  

Location: This hostel is conveniently located in Beitou, near the BeiTou Metro Station, it wasn't difficult to find walking straight from the metro station. No tricky turns and maneuvers for our poor luggage wheels. I wouldn't say that its a short journey though, the walk takes about 5-8 minutes. Like Linjiang, there is a wet market in the morning, I can't express my love enough for wet markets, I feel so domestic!  

Overall rating: The hostel is clean and has adequate facilities. However, considering the price, room and the stiff air, I am unlikely to revisit this hostel again.
Price: NTD 700 / pax ( double bed private) We paid NTD1400 / night

Contact details
112 台灣台北市北投區光明路82
No. 82, Guang Ming Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City 112, Taiwan

That's all for today! I'll update the rest of the itinerary when I've got more time. I've been racing time with my lot of assignments currently. Going back to my BU8301 Business Law. Goodbye internet :'(

See my original plan for the day: http://cindity.blogspot.sg/2013/07/taipei-itinerary-for-budget-traveller.html